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Phil Garrett

The 2020 Election Was A Barack Obama Coup D'etat

FOX NEWS, Dec 22, 2023. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joined "Hannity" to discuss how the border crisis is a result of "deliberate policy" that goes back to the Obama administration. Gingrich told host Kellyanne Conway that Biden is following through on an "extraordinarily radical" agenda that began when Obama took office. 

NEWT GINGRICH: I think you can't understand Joe Biden without looking at his eight years as Barack Obama's vice president. Obama is the most radical person ever to be president, protected by the news media. When you look at his underlying values and his speeches and his policies and the people he brought in, he is extraordinarily radical. Biden, over an eight-year period, became a mini-Barack, if you will. (Please see "Is Biden Muslim?' at CGR, 12-12-23) We don't have a ‘problem’ on the border. We have a Biden immigration policy, which is working perfectly if your aim is to destroy America, it is destroying American identity, crippling the rule of law, flooding our country with people who haven't been trained in the culture, don't understand how to function in our society and create all sorts of problems. 

This is a deliberate policy by people who want to undermine America, change it profoundly, eliminate the Constitution, rule of law, the work ethic, meritocracy, actually being able to know and do something. That is why the Democrats used keeping Trump out as justification to steal the 2020 election. If you're on the hard left, those are all terrible ideas, and so what you have with Biden is leftist commitment. Now, I think politically, it's going to be a disaster, but the left doesn't see it that way. I think they think that they have a reasonable chance of survival in 2024 if they can get close enough to Trump (within 2 points) to steal the election again. keep American sensibilities out. Biden knows if he were to revert to traditional pre-coup Dem policies, that the entire left would erupt and destroy the Dems party, split it into Socialists vs, Moderate/Liberal Democrats. So, Biden goes along with the most active, aggressive and militant parts of his coalition, the ones that got him to the White House with a coup.  


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