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Phil Garrett

RINO Backstabber

Rat bastard Mitch backstabs his party and country again!

Backstabber: Betrayal by a friend. Merriam Webster Dictionary.

What else would you expect from the guy that threw the 2022 election, so Republicans wouldn't gain control of the Senate. PG 4 CGR

Townhall, Feb 5, 2023. Did you read the bill? The Senate supposedly hashed out this Perce of liberal, commie crap over the past three months—and it’s a nightmare. Americans want the border secure. This bill does the opposite. As some noted, it’s not a border security appropriation; it’s a Ukraine aid package. It carries a $118 billion price tag, but roughly $20 billion is allocated to fixing the border. The lion’s share goes to Kyiv. 

No deportation. No border wall. The money for extra agents is solely aimed at processing asylum claims. It provided taxpayer-funded lawyers to migrants under 13, and children of H-1B visas no longer must worry about fear of deportation once they reach age 21. They’re essentially granted permanent residency here. Unvetted Afghan refugees that we scooped up when the country fell under the Taliban again are placed on a pathway to citizenship.

And how does the leader of Senate Republicans react to this news? By endorsing the legislation: 

I’ve liked what Mitch did under the Trump presidency. He worked overtime to overhaul the judiciary and pass critical parts of the Trump domestic agenda. The Kentucky Republican is an astute tactician and strategist in the chamber, but he’s lost more than just a step like Biden. McConnell has had two instances where he froze at the podium, an event that Biden aides are ever fearful of happening to the president on the stump this cycle. 

But let’s not pussyfoot here: this is abject surrender to the Democratic Party’s long-term goal, which is mass amnesty. It doesn’t curb the deluge of illegals swarming the border. For every new measure that supposedly helps enforce federal immigration law, three are loosened to keep the immigration crisis in a perpetual state of chaos. A quarter of a million new visas will be added over five years under this bill, among other provisions to make the case for mass amnesty unavoidable. The good news is that even in deep blue bastions of America, the mass influx of illegals has these self-identified liberals wanting them to be sent back as well.


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