Biden stole 2020 to kill America, and turn its Illegal Alien filled corpse over the new world order Globalists. What is happening on the border is part of the plan. PG 4 CGR
PJ Media, March 6, 2024. Super Tuesday may have been the day that Joe Biden lost the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump won it. Both outcomes will have had nothing to do with the vote tallies on Tuesday when a third of the nominating delegates were up for grabs. This moment will have had everything to do with Biden's treachery and Trump's rectitude if you can believe it.
Let's back up for a moment for those curious enough to have read this far. After "justice," the next job of government is the security of the nation. In order to accomplish that, elected leaders are required by the binding contract with citizens — the Constitution — to "provide for the common defense."
Joe Biden has done for national security what he did for justice: he's destroyed them both.
It turns out that Joe's running Illegal Alien Airlines, allowing people who have not done the leg work to come legally to the U.S. to give him a call on his illegal alien phone app and send them on secret flights into the country to hide them from the American people. You read that right.
It's hard to believe that Joe Biden could have done anything worse than opening the southern border and letting all-comers into the country like Venezuelan child rapists, murderers of college students, and cop killers. And allowing with impunity the Mexican drug cartels' free reign on our side of the border is a special kind of crazy.
But as Joe Biden brayed about working with Republicans for a "border deal," which turned out to be a Ukraine border deal, he was flying 320,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. with promises of work visas and special favors. That's 320,000 people. That's bigger than the populations of Orlando, Cincinnati, Santa Ana, Corpus Christi, and more than 100 more of America's largest cities. And the program continues today out of view of the American people. But it's even worse than that.
Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Policy reported that Freedom of Information Act requests revealed that Joe Biden and his Department of Homeland Security have been running a secret immigration program since 2022 off the books and out of sight.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app. (See links to prior CIS reports at the end of this report.)The Biden administration’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border and directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities too grave to release publicly.But while large immigrant-receiving cities and media lay blame for the influx on Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing program, CBP has withheld from the Center – and apparently will not disclose – the names of the 43 U.S. airports that have received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023, nor the foreign airports from which they departed. The agency’s lawyers have cited a general “law enforcement exception” without elaborating – until recently – on how releasing airport locations would harm public safety beyond citing “the sensitivity of the information.”
This program was in operation as Joe Biden brayed about recalcitrant Republicans holding up his "border enforcement" (read: amnesty for all comers) program that he hammered out with the soon-to-be-departing Kyrsten Sinema and Mitch McConnell.
But on Super Tuesday, the American people found out about the program.
The Daily Mail reported that the Biden Administration "admitted" that the program was launched to "reduce the number of crossings at the border" so no one would witness his treachery. Instead of processing people and finding out who they are, Biden's program bypassed the border and "directly transport[ed] them into the country" to hide them. Indeed, the illegal aliens use a Biden Administration phone app to make reservations for flights into the U.S. to receive taxpayer-supported programs and promises of a job during an election year when he's trying to get the endorsements of trade unions and other working Americans.
But Joe Biden has, as you know, opened the southern border, with little, if any, vetting. There's a particular kind of treachery implicit in the act of a president greenlighting secret flights of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens for no useful reason other than to apparently stick it to Americans.
Bensman says the airports through which Biden's illegals are transited were to be kept a secret as well, though a smattering of reports has come out from people spotting secret rooms at airports filled with foreigners.
Now, though, CIS’s litigation has yielded a novel and newsworthy answer from the government: The public can’t know the receiving airports because those hundreds of thousands of CBP-authorized arrivals have created such “operational vulnerabilities” at airports that “bad actors” could undermine law enforcement efforts to “secure the United States border” if they knew the volume of CBP One traffic processed at each port of entry.In short, the Biden administration’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border and directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities too grave to release publicly, lest “bad actors” take advantage of them to inflict harm on public safety.
A special parole program exists for illegal aliens to allow them to work when they set foot on the Estados Unidos's terra firma.
When you add the special programs for people from "Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, and Ecuador." And then there's the Biden special program for Mexicans with that population added to Joe's Illegal Alien Airways, it brings the number to 420,000 people flying on secret flights into the U.S. from "May 2021 through December 2023, according to CIS lawsuit data updated through December 2023."
Like most Americans, border hawk and former President Trump found out about the program. He discussed it after his Super Tuesday wins.
"They want open borders and open borders are going to destroy our country. We need a border, we need free and fair elections, or we don't have a country," Trump said.
This is precisely why Joe Biden wants none of them. What other message can Americans derive from this controlled demolition of the American Dream?
Joe Biden paid lip service to border security while he oversaw a backdoor immigration infusion that broke faith with the American people. Wait till they find out about it. And when they do, that will be the moment that Donald Trump will win their vote and general election in 2024.
My relative voted for the first time as an American citizen on Super Tuesday. He didn't vote for Joe Biden. He's from Mexico and knows corruption when he sees it.