Redstate, July 15, 2024. After a would-be assassin tried to shoot Donald Trump in the head on Saturday, was anyone asking for Joe Biden to give multiple public addresses on the matter? That's what we got, though, with the president bumbling his way through three different appearances, with the latest being an Oval Office address.
Sitting in front of the camera on Sunday evening, Biden read from a teleprompter, often losing his train of thought and stumbling over his words.
As to the meat of what he said, it was disgusting and tone-deaf. Instead of staying on topic and admitting that Democrats have gone too far with their heated rhetoric about Trump being a "threat to democracy," Biden brought up Gretchen Whitmer and January 6th in an attempt to deflect. Of note is that in both those instances, no perpetrator fired a weapon, clipping the ear of a former president and killing an innocent man. As "attacks on our democracy" go, what happened to Trump is not on the same level as an FBI-instigated plot to kidnap Whitmer that never got out of the planning stages. Biden then decided to play the "adult in the room" by asking everyone to "lower the temperature."
Two days before Trump was shot, Biden claimed the former president was a dictator. Two weeks before that, Biden said Trump was a "genuine threat to the nation" who would end democracy and take away people's freedoms. For him to now pretend to be above it all, demanding others lower the temperature is the height of hypocrisy. He should have spent his Oval Office address directly refuting his own rhetoric. Instead, he gaslit the public about his culpability.
Hot Air, July 15, 2024. At a time when President Joe Biden has been struggling to shore up support with fellow Democrats following a miserable June debate performance and shaky cleanup effort, some professional Democratic political operatives said Saturday’s shooting will end up sealing the incumbent’s electoral fate.
“We’re so beyond f---ed,” one longtime Democratic insider said, noting that the image of Trump thrusting his fist in the air, with blood dramatically smeared across his face, will be indelible.
“The presidential contest ended last night,” said a veteran Democratic consultant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to give a candid assessment of his own party’s standing less than four months before the election.
“Democrat leaders in both Houses are resigning themselves to a second Trump administration, and are just trying to save some seats,” he said.