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Phil Garrett

Enough Of Kamala! Enough!


Breitbart, Oct 7, 2024. Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris touts her aid to terrorists. On Saturday Harris gushed that she and President-ish Joe Biden were sending $157 million in aid to radical Islamic terrorists in Lebanon, after announcing just $750 (yes, that's 750 USD) for the immediate needs of individual Hurricane Helene victims.

She even added the $157 million infusion would bring the total U.S. support to Lebanon in one year to “over $385 million.” For perspective, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Oct. 4 it has provided $45 million in disaster relief thus far: $23 million to people in Florida; $17 million to North Carolina; and $4.5 million to South Carolina.

Gateway Pundit, October 6, 2024. America, have you had “Enough” of Kamala and the Democrats?

Enough political targeting that seeks to discredit, demonize, and even assassinate political opponents?• Enough of the USA being the world’s police and spending millions and billions in foreign nations when our nation is desperate for security funding?•

Enough political spending that only helps those favored by the Ruling Elite?•

Enough catering to illegals who are treated better and above the US citizen?•

Enough of FEMA ignoring the US citizen in favor of the illegals?•

Enough of Washington, DC POLS dictating personal choices and ignoring State’s Rights?•

Enough “Washington as usual” that hypocritically speaks of compassion?•

Enough of the “Social Injustice Warrior” who intimidates and demands DEI infringing upon Civil Rights?• Enough of the corporate DEI crammed down our throats through advertisements, entertainment and Hollywood “stars.”•

Enough “substance lacking joy” that brings genuine sorrow and multiple miseries?•

Enough word salads that have no objectivity and only confusion?•

Enough of the MSM talking heads telling you what you should believe and ignoring reality in reporting?• Enough of the devilish cackling touting a greater economy, security and immigration control?•

Enough of the same-old political hypocrisy that too many in the USA indifferently shrug off with unconcern?

This destruction of America has been caused by Obama, Biden, Harris and the Democrats.

America, “enough is enough”? Our Constitution provided the only way to address such crimes. The ballot box. Use it to vote for Donald Trump and reclaim our great nation.


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