Yeah, Biden could drop out. More than possible, but this election is not about some old dementia patient shuffling around in his bath robe in Delaware. No, this election is about 10 million illegal aliens with more coming, sky-high inflation, our government supporting radical Islamic terrorists, America's financial decline in the world, endless wars, outrageous national debt, commies on campuses, stagnate wages, industrial decline, servitude to China, election theft, a government that is ten levels below incompetent. This election is about Democrat policies, and those policies will not change if Biden drops out. PG 4 CGR
Townhall, Kevin McCollough, July 8, 2024. There is a subtle invitation being extended to those who are paying attention to the 2024 Presidential contest. It seeks to move goal posts of the current policy discussion and to begin discussing the persons involved. Those that are the independent middle of the constituency are the target.
There is a desire by progressives, democrat operatives, party bosses and their lap dogs in the media to suddenly forget all the stressors in the lives of the everyday America and to now suddenly be wrapped up in the all-consuming debate about Joe Biden and to decide whether he should stay or go as the Presidential nominee.
By doing so the aligned forces mentioned above seek to create the hysterical distraction for a presidential contest they are destined to lose on merits. And because Democrats can never lose on merits the debate over who the nominee should be is a way to keep the kitchen table issues off the front page.
It’s a sinister plan because what they’re doing to Joe Biden is akin to elder abuse on the level of the nursing home attendant who rapes lifeless grannies in their beds in the overnight shift. But that’s been the case since he announced his candidacy for the 2020 election. Just because CNN and MSNBC viewers had no idea until debate night doesn’t mean the rest of the nation didn’t.
Ultimately this distraction works heavily into their favor. Just ask yourself the question: how many headlines have you seen discussing Biden’s performance in the debate, the follow up nosedive in the private one on one with a Clinton operative, and throughout the holiday weekend all of the stories explaining why Kamala is the heir apparent but only Michelle Obama can “win?”
The One Question Facing Kamala Harris...and Why It Could Kill Any Talk of Her Replacing Biden Matt Vespa
It’s been a repetitive assault of stories about personalities, polling, and propaganda.
The one thing it hasn’t touched on is policy.
So, let-me-be-clear, (said in my most earnest Barack Obama expression) everything being written and said at this very instant about who the Democrats run—is garbage. And to those of you from the CNN/MSNBC audience welcome to today.
While those networks and the New York Times and Washington Post were busy covering up and concealing Biden the infirm, they were also busy not discussing the policy difference a Trump administration will bring to the table.
Let’s also be clear about one other thing. Unlike the Obamas and the Clintons before them—the Bidens—have never been in control of their own White House. From executive actions to policy decisions and proposals the Biden administration was en masse operated by the Obama wing of the party. That’s why even though the Obamas are loathed by the Bidens you still see more Barack Obama ads asking for money across the interwebs than you do of Biden.
The kissing up to Iran. The enmity with Israel. The defense of the affordable care act (Obama care.) The men on women’s sports teams. The radical push for aborting of babies lives up and through birth. These are all handprints of the continuation of an Obama administrative state.
My point being simply this: in a Presidential election you don’t just elect a President, but the entire operative class that comes with them. At present that’s about 3000 government personnel that run departments, make decisions, and take actions on behalf of the voters that the voters never get to vote on.
Which is why the Biden administration has been riddled with operatives who support middle eastern terrorist organizations. Operatives who as males have invaded women’s safe private spaces themselves and hence desire all women’s safe private spaces to be invaded.
All of the replacement “persons” from Kamala Harris, to Gavin Newsom, to Michelle Obama are already part of the apparatus. They already agree with every action Biden has taken to date.
By contrast a Trump team of 3000 appointments would absolutely lay desolate the corruption inside the bureaucracies. It would detonate landmines of pockets of anti-American interests and the tax dollars used for such. And there would be a return to a focus of what America’s needs are.
The polling is so bad for current administration that over the last week Trump has overtaken him in New Hampshire, New Jersey, Virginia, and New Mexico. That’s not four swing states from 2020. Those were four rock solid wins for Biden in 2020. In addition Trump is closing in hot on Biden in New York (single digits) and holds leads in all of the swing states from the last contest.
In straight polling numbers currently that’s a 358 to 180 electoral college spanking.
And it should remain that way—whoever the candidate is.
The policies that attacked our safety with an open border, and “defunding” police belong to the entire Democrat team. The policies to stop producing our energy, bankrupting Iran and Russia, and to instead buy energy from bad guys belongs to the Democrat party as a whole. And the insistence to put men into women’s locker rooms and showers belongs to the Obama operatives that don’t care about children—especially the welfare of your daughters.
In short let the Democrats and their lapdogs in the media spin themselves into dizzying tornados sputtering out into oblivion all on their own. But keep the focus laser targeted on the fact that whoever the nominee is they want to attack our safety, attack our money, and attack our children.
No distractions, no excuses. Keep the focus on the destruction done to America by the Democrats. The race stays the same, it's about Dem policy, and the work must be done!