Townhall, Sept 20, 2024. What the hell was she even saying? It’s become an evergreen observation concerning anything Kamala Harris-related. The vice president did a livestream event with Oprah Winfrey, which should have been a Beaucoup Bucks event. Barely 10,000 people tuned into the event. Yet, if you read The New York Times, you’d think this was a campaign spot that showcased Harris’ elite skills. The headline says it all: Harris Hits Core Campaign Themes in Emotional Forum With Oprah Winfrey.
The piece is pure propaganda, not that you didn’t already know. Given what we’ve seen from this woman off-script, it's hilarious that anyone would believe that she aced this test. It was a word salad buffet, a total disaster where not even the Winfrey Effect could save her.
When asked how she would lower the cost of living? Here was Harris’ response:
In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation & so many recently, far more elusive than it's been, and we need to deal with that."
Her answer on better security on the border was a rambling non-answer ever worse than this., a more appropriate question would have been 'why have you let ten million Illegal Aliens into this country'?
Kamala, who this week had a Trump campaign vid released of her in Oakland, saying 'she would enter the homes of people to confiscate their guns, said when asked about the 2nd amendment, 'If anyone breaks into my home their going to get shot'. A new record in flip-flopping hypocrisy.
As some noted, watch her body language and eye contact—it’s painfully explicit that she can’t do this. Even worse, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Yet, the Times claims that she's 'Obama reloaded', not even close, guys, she is a fake black brainless bimbo that slept her way to the top that has a drinking problem. She cannot even handle a commie friendly interviewer.
This was the real Kamala. Disaster.
'They are going to get shot'