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Phil Garrett

Radical Islam's Manchurian Candidate

Osama Biden Laden

Dot 1 - Wikipedia - Muslim. It is Islamic canon law that if your father is Muslim, then you, as his child are automatically Muslim, unless you undergo a formal religious conversion process.

Dot 2 - Wikipedia - Islamic Terrorism. (also known as radical Islamic terrorism or Jihadi terrorism) refers to terrorist acts carried out by fundamentalist militant Islamists and Islamic extremists.

Dot 3 - Oxford Dictionary - Manchurian Candidate.  Someone that surreptitiously gains access to an organization with the intension to spy against, and/or act against the best interests of that organization.

Connecting the dots. No one has ever suggested that Barak Obama, whose father was Muslim, ever underwent a formal religious conversion. Obama is therefore Muslim. He pretended to be a Christian to become President. A Mancurian Candidate. He has supported every radical Islamic group from the Muslim Brotherhood to ISIS, so he is radical Islam. It is widely believed in conservative circles that in order to be O's Veep, Biden had to convert to Islam. So, Biden took O's job as radical Islam's Manchurian Candidate. PG 4 CGR

PG 4 CGR - Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, gave billions to Iran for its nuclear program and terrorist attacks. Took Hamas' side in the Oct 7 war against Israel. Supplied Hamas. Withheld weapons and support from Israel. Will not effectively combat the Hothi's. And now...

Biden frees 11 Guantanamo detainees

Two detainees were accused of working as bodyguards for bin Laden

Published January 6, 2025 Families outraged after judge upholds plea deals for accused 9/11 plotters: 'Horrific travesty'

President of 9/11 Justice Brett Eagleson joins 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to discuss a military court upholding plea deals given to three men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks.

The Biden administration on Monday announced the transfer of 11 Yemeni detainees, including two former bodyguards for Osama bin Laden, being held at a U.S. naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to Oman, which has agreed to help re-settle them, amid steps to reduce the population at the controversial military facility. 

All of the men were captured in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and were held for more than two decades without being charged or put on trial, the New York Times reported.

"The United States appreciates the willingness of the government of Oman and other partners to support ongoing U.S. efforts focused on responsibly reducing the detainee population and ultimately closing the Guantanamo Bay facility," the Defense Department said in a statement.

In this photo reviewed by U.S. military officials, the control tower of Camp VI detention facility is seen on April 17, 2019, in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

The White House referred questions from Fox News Digital to the DOD. 

The 11 detainees were identified as: Uthman Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Uthman, Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi, Khalid Ahmed Qassim, Suhayl Abdul Anam al Sharabi, Hani Saleh Rashid Abdullah, Tawfiq Nasir Awad Al-Bihani, Omar Mohammed Ali al-Rammah, Sanad Ali Yislam Al Kazimi, Hassan Muhammad Ali Bib Attash, Sharqawi Abdu Ali Al Hajj, and Abd Al-Salam Al-Hilah.

Ahmed al-Alwi, an alleged al Qaeda fighter and part of the security detail for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, was one of the 11 men released, the New York Post reported. 

In 2016, a declassified document said al-Alwi made several statements that suggested that he "maintains an extremist mindset." 

Anam al Sharabi, another alleged bin Laden bodyguard, was also released. A 2020 declassified file said he was bin Laden's bodyguard and trained in Afghanistan before the Sept. 11 attacks. 

He also "may have been associated with an aborted 9/11-style hijacking in Southwest Asia led by al-Qa'ida external operations chief Khalid Shaikh Mohammed."

Detainees prepare themselves for the evening prayer 04 March 2002 at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by facing towards Mecca.  (PETER MUHLY/AFP via Getty Images)

The transfer was carried out as part of an early-morning secret operation on Monday, days before Mohammed, Guantanamo’s most notorious prisoner, was scheduled to plead guilty to plotting the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in exchange for a life sentence rather than face a death-penalty trial, the Times reported. 

That deal given to Mohammed and co-conspirators Walid Bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi has been heacvily criticized by Republicans and 9/11 families. The move had been in the works for about three years after an initial plan to conduct the transfer in October 2023 faced opposition from congressional lawmakers

In this April 17, 2019 image, the control tower is seen through the razor wire inside the Camp VI detention facility in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.  (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Authorities didn't say why the detainees were delivered to Oman, one of the United States' most stable allies in the Middle East, or what it gave the host country. 

The men in the latest transfer included Shaqawi al Hajj, who had undergone repeated hunger strikes and hospitalizations at Guantanamo to protest his 21 years in prison.

With the release, the total number of men detained at Guantanamo is just 15, the fewest since 2002, the year it was turned into a detention site to house men from around the world arrested in connection with the "War on Terror."

The transfer leaves six never-charged men still being held at Guantanamo, two convicted and sentenced inmates, and seven others charged with the 2001 attacks, the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, and 2002 bombings in Bali.

Most of those at Guantanamo are from Yemen, a country ravaged by war and now dominated by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. 

Pj Media, 1-12-25, The Biden Legacy Unmasked: If You Thought Antisemitism Was Bad Before, Hold Onto Your Yarmulkas

Scott Pinsker

In the waning days of the Biden administration (which also coincides with the waning days of Joe Biden), a few uncomfortable truths have emerged. First, Biden is destined to be remembered as one of the least consequential presidents in American history. His tenure was a speed bump -- a thin slice of bologna that’s sandwiched between the two Trump terms. 

For a guy like Biden, who so clearly covets adulation, recognition, and public praise, that’s gotta sting.

Two, it’s now apparent that Biden’s presidency coincided with a national realignment. The public has changed. Before, liberals could blast the MAGA movement for being lily-white and homogeneous, because the facts did paint such a scenario. In order to win, the Democrats needed to attract entire blocks of minorities and retain a handful of white liberals; the Republicans needed to run the table with the whites, and not do too badly with minorities. That was each party’s recipe for success.

But not anymore. 

The 2024 election saw a vast influx of minorities to MAGA, especially black males and Latinos. Furthermore, the most enthusiastic pro-Trump racial block wasn’t even white people — it was Native Americas. A mere 57% of whites voted for Trump, but 65% of Native Americans pulled the lever for MAGA.

Third and finally, the Democratic Party is about to undergo a dramatic reconfiguration. The old guard — Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton — is on their last legs or already out the door. At long last, their era is coming to a close.

Throughout 2025, the world will be focused on Trump’s agenda, and rightly so. It’ll be entertaining and unpredictable. (I gotta admit, I didn’t have Greenland, the Panama Canal, Governor Trudeau, or the Gulf of “America” on my Jan. 2025 bingo card.) Just “Trump being Trump” will pull 99.9% of the oxygen out of the room.

I’ve never seen a politician exhaust his opposition (which includes the media AND the left) as well as Trump! He’s the ultimate endurance hunter — a tireless, relentless terminator who just keeps moving forward. It’s remarkable.

But while Trump is dominating the headlines, there’ll be an important story lurking below the fold: The war within the Democratic Party to capture its soul.

It’ll be the far-left versus the REALLY far-left. Left Coast liberals versus Fly Over liberals. Minorities versus whites. LGBTQ+ versus “cis.”

Right now, most political experts assume the more-moderate wing of the Democratic Party will at least make it a competitive fight. After all, when you were just humiliated in a presidential election, it usually makes more sense to course-correct by moving to the middle, as opposed to driving even harder to the extremes. So, they assume the Democrats will find someone who’s (slightly) middle-left, build them into their national flagbearer, and use him/her to rebrand their party’s reputation.

And to be fair, that is a logically sound, financially prudent strategy. If the Democratic Party was a corporation, that’s exactly what they’d do, because this is the kind of plan that wins the support of executive boards. When a company has a bad year, shareholders want to be reassured that a better plan is in place.

But the Democratic Party isn’t owned by shareholders. And despite how quickly the serfs and peons fell into line behind Kamala Harris, they don’t have strong executive leadership anymore: Biden is history. Pelosi is even older and has a broken hip. Barack, Bill, and Hillary are all MySpace politicians in a TikTok world; the liberal movement has left them behind.

So, consider: In 2025, Trump will be dominating the headlines. The American people are realigning politically; everything’s in a state of flux. And the Democratic Party is bereft of leadership.

In this environment, there’s absolutely NO WAY the Democratic Party will move to the middle! It’s absolutely, 100%, guara-damn-teed to migrate farther to the left.

That’s because the new Democratic standard-bearer will be forced to define him/herself by opposing Donald Trump. There’s not enough oxygen in the room for anything else. And without strong internal leadership, it won’t be a political “executive board” that chooses the next Chosen One.

Instead, it’ll be the loudest liberal activists. 

They’ll gravitate to whoever is the snarkiest, angriest, and most anti-Trump. Whatever Trump supports, they hate; whatever Trump hates, they love.

And if Trump moves in a pro-Israel, anti-Hamas direction, the liberal movement will counter by driving hard to an anti-Israel and pro-Hamas direction.

President Biden was a dithering, diminished doofus, but he was (generally) more pro-Israel than anti-Israel. While he was president, the far-left loons couldn’t let their freak flag fly fully; they still needed to protect him. Biden was still “their” leader.

Not anymore.

In 2025, the liberal movement has nothing to lose by moving full-bore anti-Israel. There’s no one left to protect. 

Last year, 77% of Democrats older than 65 supported Biden’s Israel policy. Just 16% disapproved. But amongst younger liberals, the numbers are reversed: 69% opposed Biden’s Israel policy; only 24% approved.

Each year, the oldest generations cede new ground to the youngest. By the end of Trump’s second term, the Democratic Party will be — overwhelmingly! — anti-Israel.

It didn’t have to be this way.

During the first few years of the Biden administration, the moderate wing still had enough power to stave off the antisemites. Biden still had the stature to win the debate — and to defeat and discredit the Antifa-inspired radicals. He could’ve used his age to his benefit by describing the rising tide of Jew hatred in personal, emotional language, making it perfectly clear that there’s no place for antisemitism in the Democratic Party — and YES, treating Israel dramatically differently than you treat China (*cough* Tibet and the Uyghurs), Iran (*cough* terrorism), Russia (*cough* Ukraine), Cuba (*cough* human rights), and so on IS A FORM OF  ANTISEMITISM.

Back then, it was still a winnable debate.


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