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Phil Garrett

Ronnie We Hardly Knew Ye

Ron DeSantis knew he was the future of the Republican Party, what he didn't understand is that Trump is the present, that Trump is the leader of a movement, proven, honest, massively capable, he is not just a mere Candidate. All Ron offered was a watered-down version of MAGA. Ron was a-shoe-in for 2028, he might have even been Trump's Veep - inheritor of MAGA, in all ways he would have been in the cat birds' seat. Now, I doubt he's going anywhere, both Republican Florida Senators look pretty solid. If he had fought Trump down to the wire, 2028 might have been a possibility. but bowing out yesterday, after having his ass handed to him right out of the box pretty much ended his Pres ambitions. Pity really, Ron is a great governor, and, in time, would have been a great President. One of the knocks on him was he wasn't tough enough to stand up to a national campaign. Ron should have waited until 2028, but he clearly didn't understand the Republican base wants the Democrat Party and the Deep State destroyed in detail, and they know only Trump can get the job done.


CBS NEWS, Jan 21, 2024. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dropped out of the 2024 Republican presidential race and suspended his campaign on Sunday, posting a video on X saying he could not ask his campaign staffers to give their time "without a clear path to victory." "It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance," DeSantis said.

He added that he had signed a pledge to support the eventual nominee. As he left the race, DeSantis took a parting shot at opponent Nikki Haley. Trump, he said in his video, "has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism — that Nikki Haley represents."

In the title of this piece, I have borrowed heavily from Dave Powers' book 'Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye' about John F. Kennedy. PG 4 CGR


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