Kamala is going to get the Dem Prez nom. It was not difficult since she was part of the Biden palace coup. She is a slap in the face to democracy. Her biggest problem as a candidate is, after four years, she has a record, everyone knows who she is, she is a light weight, an inflatable tube man, the only thing she has going for her is that she doesn't have dementia, she is the punchline to a joke, she pulled out of the 2020 Dem Prez campaign before Iowa with zero delegates. All the delegates she has now are from Pelosi's arm twisting. She is a cackling walking word salad and phony, with a dismal record before Veep, worse after. She has failed at every assignment. A Commie, she is more radical than AOC, she owns Biden's destructive policies lock stock and barrel. She is an antisemite. The Biden campaign money that was transferred to her was not legal and will be challenged. She is a mountain of political campaign ad ammunition waiting to be used against her. She is the most unpopular Veep in the history of poll taking. She needs to find a Veep that won't intellectually outshine her and only Pete Buttigieg fills that bill. No, Kamala as Dem Prez candidate is a candidate of desperation, a momentary propaganda sugar high of hope. But when she is put to the test Dems hopes will be dashed on the reality of the lame, inane, Obama puppet that we all know. PG 4 CGR
Breitbart, July 23, 2024. Kamala Harris is the least “electable” among potential Democrats to replace President Joe Biden atop the 2024 ticket, top writers of the New York Times found Monday.
The report underscores Democrats’ lack of a democratic process to select a new de facto nominee — all while nullifying about 14 million votes that were cast for Biden during the Democrat primary.
Many believe the decision to replace Biden amounted to a “coup.” Biden stepped aside on Sunday after top Democrats threatened him with invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to force him out, sources told the New York Post on Monday.
The Times analysis found Harris was the “most risky” and least viable candidate, while Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), in contrast, would be the most likely to beat former President Donald Trump.
It ranked Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) as the most “exciting” candidate and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) as the most “Meh” options.
Govs. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Wes Moore (D-MD), and Andy Beshear (D-KY) and Sens. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) are somewhere in the middle.
Times writer Ross Barkan ranked Harris’s electability a five and her excitement factor a six:
Harris has a feeble electoral track record — she struggled badly in 2020 and barely, before then, won her first attorney general race in California in a state that is 66% Democrat. She comes off a phony, is abysmal at campaigning, and cannot relate to an audience, leading to nervous cackling.
Seven states — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina — will decide the president, longtime Democrat adviser Doug Sosnik wrote in the New York Times. If Trump wins one or more of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Harris’s chances of obtaining 270 electoral votes become narrower.
Harris will face challenges among the electorate. Her intersectional candidacy and radical policies are not likely to be embraced in the Blue Wall states, nor does she seem to appeal to the Sunbelt states that hold more minority and young voters. Harris holds a 55 percent unfavorably among ages 18-34, a Monday Quinnipiac poll found.
“The Midwest is not where the opportunity is for her,” a Democrat operative close to Harris told Politico Playbook on Tuesday. “The opportunity with her … is going to be Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania. But Trump is leading in all of those states, so maybe not there either”