FOX NEWS, May 23, 2024. President Trump is leading President Biden across seven states that will determine the results of the 2024 presidential contest.
A new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey (which are Dem propaganda organizations, so these positive Trump results can absolutely be believed, even though they are probably even under reported for Trump) asking voters from key states who they would vote for in the upcoming presidential election found Trump is leading Biden 48% to 44% across the seven key swing states in play — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The poll also found individual state polling from states previously won by Biden in 2020 reveals that Trump is by far, now the candidate of choice. Trump is up five points in Arizona, a state narrowly won by Biden in 2020, leading the Democrat 49% to 44%. President Trump is also leading in Georgia, another state won by Biden in 2020. According to the survey, Trump is leading Biden in the Peach State by three points, 47% to 44%.
The poll also reported Trump holding a two-point lead in Pennsylvania, 48% to 46%, another state won by Biden in 2020. a state previously thought to be solid, even invincible for Biden.
Trump leads Wisconsin by one point, 47% to 46%. It's the fourth state Biden won in 2020 where the poll reported Trump has an edge just months before Election Day. An astonishing lead considering Wisconsin the headquarters for American Leftist dissention and thought. The poll also found Trump is up in North Carolina by seven points, 49% to 42%, while the rivals are tied in Nevada, both securing 47% of the vote, but again, Nevada has been a solid blue state in the past, so Trump's momentum is building. Biden secured a lead in one state in the survey but just barely, Michigan, one point, 46% to 45%. But Biden was up multiple points just weeks ago.