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Phil Garrett

Ukraine Is Europe's Problem (Part 2)

In 1991 the Soviet Union fell, and in the blink of an eye all NATO countries disarmed. They put the entire defense of Europe on the US. Where it has stayed. Trump became President told NATO to rearm and prepared for war, because the burden was now on them, the US was pivoting to Asia. They didn't do it. Russia invaded Ukraine, The US has picked up 90% of the bill, while NATO has just paid lip service. The US is a debtor nation, with out-of-control spending, a great deal of US aid has been swallowed up by Ukraine corruption. This has to stop. All money should stay here to stop the illegal alien invasion. If Europe wants Russia out of Ukraine, Europe must do it with its own sweat and money, China is a bigger threat, and that is America's job. Ukraine is Europe's problem. PG 4 CGR

The Telegraph, Feb 19, 2024. That “people take Trump seriously but not literally” was one of the smarter observations from the 2016 US presidential election. He shocked people with his robust criticism and dismissal of Nato as a useful alliance. In practice, during the Trump presidency the Pentagon actually increased the American military commitment in Europe.

Eight years later and we are revisiting these arguments. Trump has stolen the headlines well ahead of November’s election, suggesting at a recent political rally that America would not come to the aid of Nato allies that didn’t “pay their bills”, and indeed that he might just encourage Putin to invade. 

This might have been a crude, hoodlum’s threat, but it went down very well with his audience, and was such political dynamite that Nato’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, felt obliged to comment. So should we take Trump literally, seriously, or both?

There are some other factors to consider. A wing of the Republican Party has been holding up the Congressional bill that will allow the next large tranche of funding to support Ukraine. Not yet even the official presidential candidate, Trump’s position on stopping funds for Ukraine is clearly a main motivating factor here. In short, the official policy and promises of the US Commander in Chief, President Biden, cannot be taken at face value. Ukraine is now suffering on the battlefield as a consequence, and, again, Stoltenberg has had to make an extraordinary intervention in domestic US politics.

But what we are seeing here is an extreme version of sentiments that have always been present in American politics. There has long been a strong strand of isolationism influencing US foreign policy. And Trump is only an outlier in criticising parsimonious Nato allies in terms of the crude directness of his language and its naked threat. All previous presidents have also made strong cases, if presented tactfully, that the rich countries of European Nato should be spending a much greater proportion of GDP on their own defence. Trump claims that it took his brazen threats to force the recent funding pledges from these reluctant allies. Some analysts point out that Russia’s aggression was the real stimulant, but many in the US will believe Trump, and they might not be wrong.

President Biden has bought into Trump’s view of the emerging China threat; indeed, many think his actions – the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act – have actually been more effective. And after the pandemic those Nato allies who preferred to see the economic opportunities in China rather than the geostrategic threat – which includes the UK –  have changed their position. Indeed, Taiwan suddenly seems much closer and more salient now that we have calculated how much we rely on its semiconductor fabrication plants.

The US has ridden the energy crisis better than Europe, and remains a net exporter. Those who smirked at Trump’s lambasting of Germany’s dependence on Russian energy probably wince at the memory. The Americans will remember being right on this one too.

So European Nato must work out where it now stands. I suggest that that does not depend on whether Trump wins or not. Circumstances have clarified a picture that could be ignored before Putin’s invasion. Now it cannot.

America’s pivot to Asia will continue, and it is in Europe’s interest that it does as China is now recognised as a threat to all. That requires Euro-Nato to take a greater share of the burden of defending Europe, as all previous US presidents have called for. If it does it will keep America engaged and Russia out.

The paucity of weapons to underpin Nato’s war plans has been starkly revealed by the Ukraine war, both via both its demonstration of the actual usage rates of munitions in conflict; and the inability of Nato to provide anywhere near the number of rounds Ukraine requires. As NATO’s senior officer, Admiral Bob Bauer, has stated, Nato is now looking at the bottom of the barrel.

The too easy assumption that the USA’s “arsenal of freedom” would always be opened for Nato in extremis has been tested and failed. The US had been cutting back too, and it was in no one’s interest previously to do the sums. There is now no avoiding that war-stocks will have to be replenished across Nato. A significant munitions production capacity will need to be built. No US president would be able to pay the lion’s share here while European nations continue to enjoy welfare benefits that Americans can only dream of.

The current stand-off in Congress, and the de facto volte face in US policy towards funding Ukraine, is also causing strategic analysts to think very clearly. Security policy across European capitals has not had time to yet catch up with the commentariat. But the calibration will have to be that Europe will, in any case, need to hedge more against that strand of American isolationism that has been revealed to have teeth.

On the other side of the ledger, US policy makers will rue the loss of influence that a more independent Euro-Nato will bring. Many will consider that, though the US does spend a lot on defence, that brings with it the effective hegemonic leadership of a huge swathe of the developed world, which is greatly to the US’s benefit. US arms manufacturers too are likely to advise caution on any US withdrawal from Nato. If America’s allies are going to be spending more on Defence, then they will want to spend it at home with national primes, and so also add to resilient sovereign capacity, rather than on the US weapons they were previously queuing up to purchase.

So, we should take Trump literally and seriously. But we should not panic, and while doing what needs to be done we can also reasonably expect that Nato will survive this turbulence. There are opportunities here for the major European powers to show leadership in Nato, but it will require them to put aside the parochialism that has plagued Europe’s defence industrial sector, and led to everyone inefficiently making a few of everything.

For the UK the obvious vehicle is to expand the Joint Expeditionary Force – of which it is the framework nation of ten North and East European states – from being an agile military grouping within Nato to one that looks to burden-share across munition production. This would also have operational benefits in streamlined logistics through standardization across ten nations. With their Nato accession completed and imminent, both Finland and Sweden respectively possess excellent defence and “dual-use” companies, have built significant stockpiles, and have exercised plans for total national defence. The UK makes good high-end equipment, but has not often expressly designed it for export. Get this right and it could be a genuine win-win.

Overall, and assuming no massive failures of statesmanship, then Nato can emerge from this turbulence more balanced, more resilient and in better overall shape. If it can put aside a parochial race to nationalism, it may also find efficiencies in force generation that mean defence budgets do not need to rise as much as feared.

But the most sensible thing the West can do to bring about that last aspiration is to make sure that Russia does not emerge from its invasion of Ukraine in strong shape, able to credibly threaten Nato. Many political and military figures across Nato have recently postulated just this scenario. It is in everyone’s interests, even those of Russians in the long-term, that Putin’s gamble fails and Russia’s military is defeated in Ukraine. The best investment we can make now is in sustainably arming Ukraine. The best time to have done what Euro-Nato is going to have to do in any case would have been immediately after Russia’s invasion. The second best time is now.

Air Marshal Edward Stringer is a Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange and former Director-General of the Defence Academy


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