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Is Biden Muslim? (Part 2)

Phil Garrett

In 2008 there were some pretty wild claims circulating that Biden was required by Obama to convert to Islam before he could be selected as Obama's Veep. In light of what is going on in the Israel-Iran war (and lets not forget the Afghanistan surrender), plus his overt support of Muslin's in general, it doesn't seem quite as wild anymore, does it. PG 4 CGR

Jerusalem Post, September 15, 2023.

Is Obama a Muslim? Let us begin with a tradition-based definition.

Who is a Muslim? A Muslim is any person whose father was a Muslim, or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Islam.

Now let us apply this definition to Obama. Obviously, Obama is a Muslim since his father was a Muslim. In order to stop being a Muslim, Obama had to convert officially to a different religion. However, there is no information on his conversion to Christianity. By the way, I do not blame him for a non-conversion since the price for such conversion is the death as proclaimed in the Islamic Law. The Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, the only Christian church Obama has ever attended, and its pastor Jeremiah Wright are anti-Judeo-Christian and anti-American in nature – and Christian in name only. There is no major speech of Obama with the appreciation of Judeo-Christian religion and tradition in general and as it has been developed in America. Moreover, there are many Obama’s speeches with the appreciation of Islam and Muslim tradition, and the harm, the actions of Judeo-Christian America have done to the Muslim countries (according to radical Islamic terrorists). Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has clarified the Islamic Iranian chant “Death to America!” – this chant, Rouhani said, does not mean the personal death to every American – that it means the collective death to American Judeo-Christian tradition.

Do you see the same anti-Judeo-Christian, pro-Muslim logic in the Obama-Rouhani duet? It is very important to understand Obama’s logic - this logic is behind most of his domestic and foreign decisions, which affect considerably our lives in America and Israel.

FOX NEWS, November 5, 2023.

Last Friday. Barak Obama spoke at the Obama Foundation's Democracy Forum, where he called for an end to the "occupation' of Palestine by the Israeli's. "All of this (Hamas terrorism) is taking place against the backdrop of decades of failure to achieve a nation state for the Palestinians," the former president told the forum audience.

This nation that Obama proposes is where Israel is located, which means Israel would have to cease to exist for the Palestinians to have a state. PG 4 CGR

Townhall, Nov 5, 2023. Here at Townhall, we've highlighted how the Biden administration has been essentially a "third term" for Barack Obama as the current occupant of the White House seeks to reinstate the goals and policies of the 44th president. But it turns out Obama's influence in the Biden administration has been more significant than just providing a template for Biden. It is clear now the Biden Administration's Mid-East policies have been lifted in toto from Obama's policies that favor Islam. Biden's actions from surrender in Afghanistan, and the 6-billion-dollar blood money payment to Iran, to calling for a ceasefire (pause) to protect Hamas are all part of Obama's aim to assist Islam in worldwide domination.

Redstate, Sec 12, 2012. When it comes to the Israel-Hamas war, it was predictable that Biden would get weaker in his support as the war progressed and the left screamed louder about the "genocide" in Gaza. That was easy to foresee. 

Now, here it is officially. The guy who claimed he was 100 percent with Israel told donors at a Monday night campaign reception — receptions seem to be the majority of the "work" Biden is doing these days —  that Israel had to change its government and warned that support for the country’s military campaign is waning amid heavy bombardment of Gaza.

Biden supposedly said that Israel needed to change its conservative government and that support for Israel was waning. 

Biden said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a “tough decision to make.”“This is the most conservative government in Israel’s history,” Biden said, adding that the Israeli government “doesn’t want a two-state solution.” (Implying Biden's support for Hamas and his abandonment of Israel)

That's an incredibly bad take from Biden, right as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was saying that they had Hamas on the ropes, and it was the beginning of the end, with many in Hamas surrendering. 

Now, this will give Hamas hope that all they need to do is hang in there as their activist buddies throw more tantrums, and eventually, the U.S. will start undercutting the effort. This will make the leftists believe they have succeeded in getting Joe Biden to cave, so they will ramp up their actions even more. It will also make Israel realize they can't count on the U.S. under Joe Biden as an ally. 

On top of it all, it's Biden playing games, trying to undercut Netanyahu and the conservatives, and trying to change Israel's government. Gee, what direction does Biden want the government to go in? More to the left, of course. That's a truly vile thing to do in the middle of a war. 

He's also probably trying to help himself with the left in the election since they have been chanting "Genocide Joe," and that should not be entering into his foreign policy decisions here. That's also incredibly wrong.

Plus, because he's Joe Biden, he's wrong about support waning for Israel. Most Americans are supportive of their fight. What Joe likely means by this is "the people on the left who I need for votes" are "waning." Also, it's Hamas that is against a two-state solution, not Israel. Hamas is still agitating to completely eliminate Israel. 

If Taiwan and China are looking at this, once again, what will they see? 

Biden showing all kinds of weakness and not willing to stand up to terrorists.

Washington Free Beacon, Dec 12, 2023. Biden’s "historic" nominee for a federal appellate court served on the board of a Muslim advocacy group that has blamed Israel for provoking Hamas’s terrorist attack and hosted an event with a convicted terrorist fundraiser on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Adeel Abdullah Mangi, Biden’s nominee for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, served on the advisory board of Rutgers Law School’s Center for Security, Race and Rights from 2019 until earlier this year. During his time on the board, the think tank feted anti-Israel college students and marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with an event featuring a terrorist fundraiser. If confirmed, Mangi will be the first Muslim to serve on a federal appellate court, a fact highlighted by Democrats at Mangi’s confirmation hearing on Wednesday. Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), who faces federal bribery and foreign agent charges, called the nomination of a Muslim to the prestigious judicial post a "milestone we should have reached many years ago."

But Mangi’s affiliation with a staunchly anti-Israel think tank could prove a roadblock for that "historic" nomination.

In 2021, the Center for Security, Race and Rights hosted an event on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that featured Sami al-Arian, a former professor who helped fund the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It promoted an event, "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): Globalized Palestinian Resistance to Israel’s Settler Colonialism and Apartheid," with Hatem Bazian, the founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel group that has pushed pro-Hamas rhetoric.

Last year, the center held an event with the activist group Palestine Legal to provide "legal strategy" to anti-Israel college students. An official from Palestine Legal has a history of praising Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The center has maintained its anti-Israel views in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack. The think tank said that to condemn Hamas was to "ignore over 75 years of colonial violence and the horrific consequences born out of these decades of oppression and attempted erasure."

Mangi, who left the center’s board in June, downplayed his role with the organization during his confirmation hearing on Wednesday. He said he was unaware of the 9/11 anniversary event with Sami al-Arian and that he "unequivocally condemn[s] any terrorism and anybody associated with it."

But some Republicans were incredulous that Mangi would remain on the center’s board after hosting the controversial event.

"How do you sit on an organization that would invite these terrorists, convicted terrorists? You didn’t resign," said Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.)

X (Twitter), Mark Dubowitz, Dec 15, 2023. After three years of a feckless Iran policy, the Biden Administration has effectively lost control of the Red Sea



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