...She's A Democrat.
Redstate, March 24, 2024. Ronna McDaniel appeared on Sunday's "Meet the Press," but not as an NBC News political analyst as was assumed after a Friday announcement that she'd joined the network. Instead, her appearance was as an interviewee, in a pre-scheduled interview with host Kristin Welker.
Welker asked McDaniel about a bunch of hot-button topics but first asked about her record at the RNC, highlighting that one RNC committee member called McDaniel a "failed chair" and asking if McDaniel deserved to still be in her role after the shellacking the party repeatedly suffered at the ballot box during her tenure. Of course, McDaniel believes she did a great job, and any shortcomings were because of the candidates running, or Donald Trump and his supporters. Anyone but Ronna.
Unfortunately for McDaniel, 2022 wasn't a presidential election year, and she had been in the job since 2017. Did she need a five-year runway to be able to do her job? Having offices open in Black, Asian, and Hispanic communities doesn't actually do squat. Offices don't vote; people do. The growth the Republican party has seen in the Black and Hispanic communities is due to Donald Trump; it's not due to anything Ronna McDaniel did.
Also, if the RNC doesn't do the messaging, why was she paying people millions of dollars for consulting on messaging and political strategy? Obviously, messaging is part of the strategy to get voters to turn out, but McDaniel makes it sound like she simply ran a nationwide canvassing operation, with no accountability or decision-making ability. When there were some wins during her tenure, however, that sure wasn't the tune she was humming.
When it came to January 6th, she showed her true colors saying that Trump was guilty of the Dem Jan 6 accusations against him. Wouldn't that make her a liar when she supported Trump, or a liar now? There only one conclusion that can be drawn from this interview, McDaniel was a failure not just because she is incompetent, but because she is a lying, twofaced Democrat mole, look where she is going to work for Pete's sake, NBC! Need more be said?