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Phil Garrett

Why Kamala Lost The Debate

Why did Harris lose the debate in the eyes of the American people? The optics, she acted like a hysterical actress on her first audition. All the fake expressions of outrage, consternation, fake energy. The debate was rigged. Harris, Muir and Davis ran a tag team on Trump. She clearly had the questions before hand. Nobody likes a cheater. Then there was the uncountable number of lies. Lies that even a causal political observer would have questioned. Rightfully giving the impression, of a shallow know nothing that stands for nothing. She answered no questions and only had personal attacks on Trump. While all these contributed to her going down, the main reason she lost is she did not connect with the American people on understanding their problems and how she was going to solve them, how she was going to make their lives better. She did not communicate with or relate to the American people. And Donald Trump did. he was the President of the United States taking care of its people. Harris was just another Obama puppet waiting to be told what to do, what to think, and how to act. PG 4 CGR


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